Ankle / Foot Pain

ankle/ foot pain osteopath in huddersfield

Ankle and foot pain are very closely linked. They are more vulnerable to injury as they are weightbearing joints. Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis are the common conditions for this region of the body.

There are many causes for ankle and foot pain including ligament strain/ weakening, tendonitis, inflammation and muscular tension.

Symptoms of knee issues can be limited range of movement, local swelling, pain on weightbearing and pain at night. Changes in the foot mechanics such as “flattening an arch” of the foot, will cause the ankle to deform; the ligaments and tendons to overstretch on the inside and tighten and constrict on the outside of the joint.

As specialists, our aim is to eradicate your pain, get you walking comfortably again, boost your confidence and take the pain out of every step.