Tongue Tie


What is tongue tie?

Also known as ankyloglossia is a condition in which the strip of skin that connects the baby’s tongue to the bottom of their mouth is shorter than normal. Creating a restriction which in turn affects the movement of the tongue. It affects between 4 – 11 % of babies. Tongue tie can be diagnosed during post birth checks and are also missed at times, being diagnosed at a later time in babys’ life.  

Tongue tie can be identified due to the tongue being a different shape. This has different extremes dependent on the type of tongue tie, if it is mild or severe. As the tongue is restricted it will affect functions such as being able to stick the tongue out and struggling with feeding; babies becoming tired during feeds due to the extra effort needed.

The tongue carries out many functions including feeding, suckling, chewing, swallowing, eating and talking.

Symptoms of tongue tie:

·         Not gaining weight, losing weight

·         Baby struggling to feed

·         Baby making clicking sounds whilst feeding

·         Baby struggling with latch

·         Baby having a shallow latch

·         Painful breastfeeding

·         Tongue staying in a low position when baby cries    


Osteopaths cannot detach the tongue tie. Cranial Osteopathy can help in the form of working through the cranial bones, stretching the muscles connected to the tongue tie and improving mobility. The birthing process can place a tremendous amount of pressure on babys’ head which can lead to tension in the body, affecting the mouth and its function. Treatment aim is directed at helping to release the tension, improve function and help to facilitate baby to feed easier.

Huddersfield Osteopath has dealt with numerous cases to support tongue tie; pre tongue tie correction and post tongue tie correction appointments to help support the process which has been carried out by doctors and lactation consultants (IBCLC) who have specialised within this field to carry out the corrections. Milk matters! This process is carried out to help your baby/ infant to feel at ease with their feeding solution.